Context menu
The plugin can be accessed via the context menu.
Creating a context menu item
Subscibe to the onContextMenuShow event which is called when the context menu has been shown.
If a plugin is listening for this event, it must call the AddContextMenuItem method (synchronously or not), because the editor waits for responses from all plugins before filling the context menu.
Name Type Description options ContextMenuOptions Defines the information of the selected context menu item. Example:
Asc.plugin.attachEvent("onContextMenuShow", (options) => {
const items = {
guid: window.Asc.plugin.guid,
items: [
id: "onNameClick",
text: "Name",
items: [],
this.executeMethod("AddContextMenuItem", [items])
Defines the context menu options.
Type: object
Name Type Description Type ContextMenuType The context menu type. header boolean Specifies whether the context menu is opened inside the header. footer boolean Specifies whether the context menu is opened inside the footer. headerArea boolean Specifies whether the context menu is opened over the header. footerArea boolean Specifies whether the context menu is opened over the footer. ContextMenuType
The context menu type:
- None - not used,
- Target - nothing is selected,
- Selection - text is selected,
- Image - image is selected,
- Shape - shape is selected,
- OleObject - OLE object is selected.
Depending on the selection type, different context menu items can be added.
Type: "None" | "Target" | "Selection" | "Image" | "Shape" | "OleObject"
Specify the AddContextMenuItem method to add a button to the context menu if necessary.
Name Type Description items Array.<ContextMenuItem> An array containing the context menu items. Returns: This method doesn't return any data.
The context menu item.
Type: object
Name Type Description id string The item ID. text string The item caption. data string The item data (this data will be sent to the click event callback). disabled boolean Specifies whether the current item is disabled or not. icons string The item icons (see the plugins config documentation). items Array.<ContextMenuItem> An array containing the context menu items for the current item. Example:
Asc.plugin.attachEvent("onContextMenuShow", (options) => {
const items = {
guid: window.Asc.plugin.guid,
items: [
id: "onNameClick",
text: "Name",
items: [],
this.executeMethod("AddContextMenuItem", [items])
Updating a context menu item
To update the context menu item, specify the UpdateContextMenuItem method.
Name | Type | Description |
items | Array.<ContextMenuItem> | An array containing the context menu items for the current item. |
Returns: This method doesn't return any data.
Asc.plugin.attachEvent("onContextMenuShow", (options) => {
const items = {
guid: window.Asc.plugin.guid,
items: [
id: "onNameClick",
text: "New name",
items: [],
this.executeMethod("UpdateContextMenuItem", [items])
Clicking a context menu item
Subscibe to the onContextMenuClick event which is called when the context menu button has been clicked.
Name Type Description id string The item ID. Example:
window.Asc.plugin.event_onContextMenuClick = (id) => {
const pluginObj = window.Asc.plugin
const itemId = id
const itemData = undefined
const itemPos = itemId.indexOf("_oo_sep_")
if (itemPos !== -1) {
const itemData = itemId.slice(itemPos + 8)
const itemId = itemId.slice(0, itemPos)
if (pluginObj.contextMenuEvents && pluginObj.contextMenuEvents[itemId]) {
pluginObj.contextMenuEvents[itemId].call(pluginObj, itemData)
} -
Specify the attachContextMenuClickEvent to add an event listener, a function that will be called whenever the specified button is clicked in the context menu and triggers an event. For each context menu button, you can specify a separate event listener by its ID.
Name Type Description id string The event name. action function The event listener. Returns: This method doesn't return any data.
Asc.plugin.attachContextMenuClickEvent("onNameClick", (data) => {
For example, you can create your own spellchecker. In this case, the context menu items with words will have the same ID and the same event listener. And the necessary word will be defined with the data from the attachContextMenuClickEvent method.